Seed cleaning is a fundamental process in seed operations. Machines are used to remove unwanted impurities such as dust, chaff, stones, weeds, and plant debris. This step enhances seed purity and ensures the industry’s quality standards and legal requirements for shipping seeds around the world. Phytosanitary measures are taken to prevent the spread of harmful pests, diseases, or invasive plant species across borders.
Clean seeds not only have a higher market value, but also perform better after planting, leading to better crop yields.
Modern seed cleaning systems use proven technologies by separating seeds based on size, density, shape and colour. These machines are available for processing from grams of grains to tonnes. The technologies are used for breeding stations to seed manufacturing stations.
We offer semi-automatic basic systems to fully automatic self-cleaning and controlling conditioning systems. For example, seed de-bearding, polishing, brushing, scalping, air screening, belt grading, sizing, calibration, density and gravity separation. Both stand-alone equipment and fully integrated processing lines are available in our range. Did you know that we can test your seeds in our experience center with the above technologies?
With the growing challenges of limited staff and stricter environmental and labour regulations, seed companies need to develop and improve their operations. In recent years, as an equipment supplier, we have recognised these requirements and developed closed, dust-free and automated Clean-in-Place machines. Challenge us and show us our innovative solutions for a safe working environment.
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