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设备数量: 31

Seed drying is essential for preserving seed quality and preventing mold or microbial growth. Our advanced drying systems use controlled dehumidified air to achieve the optimal moisture content for safe storage and transportation. We offer various drying technologies, from static to fluidized bed and rotational drying, tailored to different seed types and volumes. Our closed-loop systems ensure a dust-free, energy-efficient process, reducing costs by up to 50% while maintaining a safe work environment. With sensor-based monitoring and remote control, we guarantee precision at every drying stage—ensuring the longevity and quality of your seeds.
加工效率: 1 个种子滚筒 41 升 - 20.5 kg 种子
干燥, 种子甩干机
类型: 种子甩干机
加工效率: 袋装 - 22.5 kg 种子
干燥, 种子甩干机
类型: 种子甩干机 Ø 500 mm(袋装)
加工效率: 1 个种子滚筒 90 升 - 45 kg 种子
干燥, 种子甩干机
类型: 种子甩干机
加工效率: 1 个种子滚筒 41 升 - 8 kg 种子
干燥, 开放式种子干燥机
类型: 开放式种子干燥机
加工效率: 12 个种子滚筒 - 41 升 - 10-150 kg 种子
干燥, 开放式种子干燥机
类型: 开放式种子干燥机
加工效率: 最多9 个干燥箱 - 1350 kg 种子
干燥, 开放式种子箱式干燥机
类型: 开放式种子箱式干燥机


Seed drying is a critical step after harvesting your valuable seed crop. Our seed dryers are designed to reduce moisture content to safe levels for storage and preservation of seed quality. High moisture levels can lead to mould, microbial growth, and seed loss, making precise drying essential for maintaining seed quality. Proper drying conditions extend seed shelf life and ensure seed quality preservation.

Advanced drying systems use dehumidified air in a controlled environment to achieve the desired moisture content. Our dehumidification systems use technologies such as condensation and desiccants to remove moisture from the air. Depending on the moisture content of the seed umble, umblellifer, pod or ear/cobb, the specific drying technology is selected by us.

Depending of your drying needs and scope, the dehumidification capacity is calculated by our process engineers. This is a crucial step in our development process to ensure the right capacity and drying speed to obtain high-quality seed.

Seed drying is an essential process in your supply chain. When seeds are received from your various production sites, you need to check and ensure that seeds have the correct moisture content to ensure safe transportation of seeds around the world.

Improper drying processes cause seed loss as seeds may pre-germinate or become viable due to biological fungal growth.

For each drying process, we can offer different technical solutions, such as static drying, fluidized bed drying, rotaional drying, each for its own specific purpose. Even if you need to dry valuable rootstock tomato of hundreds of grams or tonnes of spinach seeds.

In general our systems are engineered to have a closed circuit. The air is filtered, dehumidified and recirculated through the seed. Because of the closed loop design, dust and vapours are not exposed to operator staff, creating a healthy work environment.

Reclaming energy with heat pumps and heat exchangers, makes it a highly efficient and environmentally friendly system. With our technology, energy costs can be reduced by 50%. In addition, a highly advanced drying process through temperature and humidity sensoring, logging and remote control guarantees your seed quality.

SPH Seed Moisture Content Conversion Table
This table clearly shows the relationship between absolute seed moisture content (MC) and relative humidity (RH) for various seed crops, as well as equilibrium moisture content.

In Seed Processing Holland’s drying systems, air flows are monitored with RH sensors both below the seed bed and above the seed bed during the drying process, ensuring precision at every drying stage.

The table allows conversion from relative humidity to absolute moisture content. A commonly used target for final water activity after drying is 30% RH. It is important to note that the RH-MC relationship varies for different seed crops. By maintaining a well-controlled, dehumidified air drying process, you can ensure the quality and shelf life of your valuable seeds.




















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