


步骤 2:选择一个系列



设备数量: 3

Disinfection protects seeds from harmful pathogens, including fungi, bacteria, and viruses. This treatment ensures healthier seeds and improved germination rates. Advanced disinfection technology reduces contamination risks during storage. It’s a vital step in ensuring crop resilience. The process safeguards seed quality that is required by law to ensure the safe trade of seeds and guarantee horticultural success.
加工效率: 2 个种子滚筒 - 41 升 - 1 - 40 kg 种子
消毒, 种子液体消毒
类型: 种子清洗消毒机
加工效率: 4 个种子滚筒 - 41 升 - 1 - 80 kg 种子
消毒, 种子液体消毒
类型: 种子清洗消毒机
加工效率: 12 个种子滚筒 - 41 升 - 10-150 kg 种子
消毒, 干种子消毒
类型: 种子干热消毒机


Seed disinfection is a vital process that eliminates harmful pathogens such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses from seeds. This treatment significantly improves seed health, reducing the risk of diseases that could impact germination and crop yields. Disinfection ensures that seeds are fit for planting.

Modern seed disinfection technologies use a variety of methods, including chemical treatments and thermal treatments. These techniques are designed to penetrate the seed coat effectively, targeting microorganisms without compromising the seed’s internal structure or viability. With precise application methods, these processes minimise residue levels while maintaining environmental safety.

The disinfection process is particularly important for seeds intended for long-term storage. By disinfecting seeds the risk of transmitting diseases and pests to new crops is reduced. And so preventing losses in production yields.

Advanced and safe disinfection systems are designed for accuracy and efficiency, reducing labor requirements while ensuring consistent results. By integrating disinfection into the seed processing workflow, seed producers can guarantee a higher standard of seed quality, meeting both industry regulations.



Seed disinfection using heated dry air is a highly effective method for eliminating (e.g. TMV) viruses in e.g. gherkins (pickles), cucumber- or squash seeds.







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公司: Seed Processing Holland,即网页的授权发布者;


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